- Books and Monographs:
- Washington, G.N. and Redmond J., (Editors), Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Symposium, 1998
- Sirkis, J., and Washington, G.N., (Editiors), Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Symposium, 1999
Refereed Journals
- Byeongil Kim, Gregory N. Washington, and Hwan-Sik Yoon, “Control and hysteresis reduction in prestressed curved unimorph actuators using model predictive control", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, (Accepted)
- Byeongil Kim, Gregory N. Washington, and Hwan-Sik Yoon, "Active vibration suppression of a 1D piezoelectric bimorph structure using model predictive sliding mode control", Smart Structures and Systems, (Accepted)
- Ramesh P., Krishnamoorthy S., Washington G.N, “Fabrication and characterization of piezoelectric gallium nitride switch for optical MEMS applications”, Smart Materials and Structures. (Accepted)
- Kim, Byeongil; Washington, Gregory N.; Singh, Rajendra, “Control of modulated vibration using an enhanced adaptive filtering algorithm based on model-based approach”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 331, issue 18, August 2012, p. 4101 – 4114.
- Byeongil Kim, Gregory N Washington, and Rajendra Singh, “Control of incommensurate sinusoids using enhanced adaptive filtering algorithm based on sliding mode approach”, Journal of Vibration and Control, first published May 2012 as doi: 10.1177/1077546312444659.
- Kim, Byeongil; Washington, Gregory N; Yoon, Hwan-Sik, “Hysteresis-Reduced Dynamic Displacement Control of Piezoceramic Stack Actuators using Model Predictive Sliding Mode Control”, Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 21 issue 5, May 2012, p. 055018-055018.
- Glenn, B.C., Upadhyay, D., Utkin V.I., Washington G.N., Hopka M.B., Observer Design of Critical States for Air Path Flow Regulation in a Variable Geometry Turbocharger Exhaust Gas Recirculation Diesel Engine, International Journal of Engine Research, Vol. 12, Oct 2011, pp 1-12.
- Yoon, H.S. and Washington, G.N., “An Optimal Method of Shape Control for Deformable Structures with an Application to a Mechanically Reconfigurable Reflector Antenna”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 19, July 2010, pp.105004
- Ahmadkhanlou, F., Wang, Y., Bechtel, S., Washington, G., "An improved model for magnetorheological fluid-based actuators and sensors", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 21, No.1 1, January 2010: pp. 3-18.
- Glenn, B., D. Upadhyay, G.N. Washington, “Control Design of Electrically Assisted Boosting Systems for Diesel Powertrain Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 18, No. 4, July 2010, pp.769-778.
- P. Ramesh and G.N. Washington, “Analysis and design of smart electromagnetic structures,” Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 18, 2009, p. 104006.
- Ahmadkhanlou, F.A., Washington G.N., and Bechtel S., “Modeling and Control of Single and Two Degree of Freedom Magnetorheological Fluid-Based Haptic Systems for Telerobotic Surgery”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures; vol. 20: No 10, pp. 1171 – 1186
- Park, J.K., Washington, G.N. and Yoon H.S., “A Hybrid Approach to Model Hysteretic Behavior of PZT Stack Actuators”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, March 2009; vol. 20:No. 4: pp. 467 – 480
- Ahmadkhanlou, F. Mahboob, M., Bechtel, S., and Washington, G., "Experiments and Models of the Magneto Rheological Behavior of High Weight Percent Suspensions of Carbonyl Iron Particles in Silicone Oil", ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Dec 2008; vol. 130, No. 12; pp. 121301-1 – 7.
- Faidley L.E., Dapino M.J., and Washington G.N., “Homogenized Strain Model for Ni—Mn—Ga Driven with Collinear Magnetic Field and Stress”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Jun 2008; vol. 19: pp. 681 – 694.
- Yoon, H.S. and Washington G.N., “Active Vibration Confinement of Flexible Structures Using Piezoceramic Patch Actuators”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Feb 2008; vol. 19: pp. 145-155.
- Neelakantan, V., and Washington, G.N., “Vibration Control of Structural Systems using MR dampers and a ‘Modified’ Sliding Mode Control Technique“, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Feb 2008; vol. 19: pp. 211 - 224.
- Neelakantan V. and Washington G.N. “Model Predictive Control of a Two Stage Actuation System using Piezoelectric Actuators for Controllable Industrial and Automotive Brakes and Clutches”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, July 2008, Volume 19, pp. 845 – 857.
- Eyabi, P., Washington, G.N., “ Modeling and Sensorless Control of an Electromagnetic Valve Actuator”, Mechatronics , Volume 16, 2006, Pages 159-175
- Faidley, L., Dapino M.D., Washington G.N., Lagrasso T., “Modulus Shift with Magnetic Field in Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Ni-Mn-Ga”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 17, 2006: 123 - 131.
- Joo J.J., Sanders B., and Washington, G.N., “Energy Based Efficiency of Adaptive Structure Systems”, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures , 15, 2006, pp. 171-181
- Yoon H.S., Washington G.N., Danak A., “Modeling and Design of Efficient Initially-Curved Piezoceramic Unimorphs for Energy Harvesting Applications”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol.16, October 2005, pp: 877-888
- Neelakantan, V., and Washington, G.N., “ Modeling and Reduction of Centrifuging in Magneto-Rheological (MR) Transmission Clutches for Automotive Applications “, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol.16, No. 9, September 2005, pp: 703-711
- Eyabi, P., Washington , G.N., “A Thermal Model for Electromagnetic Actuators”, SAE Transactions: Journal of Passenger Cars – Electronic and Electrical Systems , 2005-01-2070
- Yoon, H.S., Washington, G.N., “ Generation of Multiple Beam Patterns using a Mechanically Reconfigurable Smart Reflector Antenna System”, AIAA Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information and Communication , 2 , No. 5., May 2005, pp. 252-266.
- Andoh, F., Washington , G.N., and Utkin, V., “Efficient Shape Control of Distributed Reflectors with Discrete Piezoelectric Actuators” , Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 15 , No. 1., January 2004, pp. 3-15.
- Isler, B., Washington, G.N., “Spatial Aperture Shading Applied to Distributed Systems for Uniform Damping Control”, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures , 12, No. 3., June 2003, pp. 384-392.
- Borgen, M.G., Washington , G.N., and Kinzel, G.L., “Design and Evolution of a Piezoelectrically Actuated Swimming Vehicle”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics , 8 , No. 1., March 2003, pp. 66-76.
- Detrick, M., Washington , G.N., and Subramaniam, V., “Control of Polishing of Diamond Films using Microactuation and an Atmospheric Pressure Plasma”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics , 8 , No. 1., March 2003, pp. 45-55.
- Angelino, M., Washington, G.N., “Design and Construction of a Piezoelectric Point Actuated Aperture Antenna”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 13 , No. 2-3, February – March, 2002, pp. 125–137.
- Punhani, A., Washington, G.N., Theunissen, W.H., “Doubly Curved Aperture Antenna Shape Prediction using Network Based Predictors ”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 33 , No. 3, May 2002, pp. 156-162
- Washington , G.N., Angelino, M., Yoon, H.T., and Theunissen, W.H., “Design, Modeling, and Optimization of Mechanically Reconfigurable Aperture Antennas”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 50 , No. 5, May 2002, pp. 628-637
- Kwak, S.K., G. N. Washington, and R. K. Yedavalli, "Acceleration Based Control Using the Reciprocal State Space Framework and Smart Materials," Journal of Sound and Vibration, 251 , No.3, March 2002, pp. 543-557
- Kwak, S. K., G. N. Washington, and R. K. Yedavalli, "Acceleration Feedback Based Active and Passive Vibration Control of Landing Gear Components," ASCE Journal of. Aerospace Engineering, 15 , No. 1, (2002), pp. 1-9.
- Bernhard, J., E. Kiely, and G. N. Washington, “A Smart Mechanically-Actuated Two-Layer Electromagnetically Coupled Microstrip Antenna that Provides Frequency Bandwidth and Antenna Gain Variability,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 49 , No. 4 (2001), pp. 579-601.
- Theunissen, W. H., H. S. Yoon, G. N. Washington, and W. D. Burnside, “Reconfigurable Contour Beam Reflector Antenna Synthesis Using a Mechanical Finite Element Description of the Adjustable Surface,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 49 , No. 2, (2001), pp. 272-279
- Song, J. K. and G. N. Washington, “Uniform Damping of Plates Using a Modified Nodal Control Method,” AIAA Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics , 24 , No. 5, (2001), pp. 1049 – 1053.
- Mayhan, P., Srinivasan, K., Watechagit, S. Washington, G. “Dynamic Modeling and Controller Design for a Piezoelectric Actuation System used for Machine Tool Control,” J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures , 11 , No. 10, (2000), pp. 771 - 780
- Glenn, B., Washington , G.N., and Rizzoni, G., “Operation and Control Strategies for Hybrid Electric Vehicles”, SAE Transactions – Journal of Engines, Paper number 2000-01-1537, 109 , Section 3, pp. 1662-1667
- Song, J. K. and G. N. Washington, “Neural Network Discrimination and Control in Intelligent Vibration Control,” J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 11, No. 3 (2000 ), pp. 234-242.
- Granger, R., G. N. Washington, and S. K. Kwak, “Modeling and Control of a Singly Curved, Mechanically Active, Aperture Antenna Using Thunder Piezoceramic Actuators,” J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 11, No. 3 (2000), pp. 225-233.
- Romanofsky, R., J. Bernhard, G. N. Washington, F. VanKeuls, F. Miranda, and C. Cannedy, “K-band Phased Array Antenna based on Ba 0.60 Sr 0.40 Ti O3 Thin Film Phase Shifters ,” IEEE Transactions on Mircowave Theory and Techniques , 48 , No 12, (2000).
- Baumann, B., G. N. Washington, and G. Rizzoni, “Mechatronic Design and Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics , 5 (2000), pp. 49-57.
- Silverberg, L. M. and G. N. Washington, “Exact Formulas for Local Control of Longitudinally Vibrating Systems,” Journal of the Society of Mechanical Engineers (Chinese Ed.) -Invited paper for special issue in honor of L. Meirovitch, 21 (2000), pp. 97-105.
- Washington , G. N. and J. K. Song, “Mechatronic Design and Control of Singly and Doubly Curved Composite Mesoscale Actuator Systems,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 5 (2000), pp. 49-57.
- Yoon, H. S. and G. N. Washington, “Analysis and Design of Doubly Curved Piezoelectric Strip Actuated Aperture Antennas,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation , 48 (2000) , pp. 755 – 763.
- Yoon, H. S. and G. N. Washington, “Modeling, Design and Zero Gravity Testing of a Doubly Curved Aperture Antenna,” J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 10 (1999), pp. 141-148.
- Silverberg, L. M. and G. N. Washington, “Weighted-Residual Discretization for Uniform Damping and Stiffening of Structural Systems,” AIAA J. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics , 22 (1999), pp. 614-618.
- Theunissen, W. H., H. S. Yoon, G. N. Washington, and W. D. Burnside, “Reconfigurable Contour Beam Reflector Antenna Using an Adjustable Subreflector and an Adjustable Feed,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 21 (1999), pp. 436-446.
- Kiely, E., G. N. Washington, and J. Bernhard, “Design, Actuation, and Control of Active Microstrip Patch Antennas,” J. Smart Materials and Structures , 7 (1998), pp. 792-800.
- Mayhan, P. and G. N. Washington, “Fuzzy Model Reference Learning Control: A New Control Paradigm for Smart Structures,” J. Smart Materials and Structures, 7 (1998), pp. 874-884.
- Yoon, H. S. and G. N. Washington, “Piezoceramic Actuated Aperture Antennas,” J. Smart Materials and Structures, 7 (1998), pp. 537-542.
- Washington , G. N., "Aperture Antenna Shape Prediction by Feedforward Neural Networks," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 45 (1997), pp. 683-688. R.P. King Best Paper Award (IEEE).
- Washington , G. N. and L. M. Silverberg, “Uniform Damping and Stiffness Control of Distributed Systems,” ASME J. Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 119 (1997), pp. 561-565.
- Washington, G. N., "Smart Aperture Antennas," J. Smart Materials and Structures, 5 (1996).
- Washington , G. N. and L. M. Silverberg, "Modal Control of a Corner Reflector to Maximize Far Field Power," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 8 (1995).
- Silverberg, L. M. and G. N. Washington, "Modal Control of Reflector Surfaces Using Far Field Power Measurements," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 7 (1994).
Refereed Conferences
- B. Kim, G.N. Washington, and R. Singh, “Active Vibration Attenuation of Smart Material Systems With Model-Based and Nonlinear Multispectral Controllers,” ASME 2009 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures & Intelligent Systems, Volume 1: Active Materials, Mechanics and Behavior; Modeling, Simulation and Control, Oxnard, California, USA: 2009, pp. 529-537.
- L.M. Headings, G.N. Washington, S. Midlam-Mohler, and J.P. Heremans, “High Temperature Multi-Fuel Combustion-Powered Thermoelectric Auxiliary Power Unit,” ASME 2009 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures & Intelligent Systems, Volume 1: Active Materials, Mechanics and Behavior; Modeling, Simulation and Control, Oxnard, California, USA: 2009, pp. 123-130.
- Kim B., and Washington G. N., "Nonlinear Position Control of Smart Actuators using Model Predictive Sliding Mode Control", ASME 2008 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures & Intelligent Systems, 28-30 October 2008, Ellicott City, MD
- Ramesh P., and Washington G. N., "Analysis and Design of Smart Electromagnetic Structures", ASME 2008 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures & Intelligent Systems, 28-30 October 2008, Ellicott City, MD
- Headings L. M., Midlam-Mohler S., Washington G. N., and Heremans J. P., "High Temperature Thermoelectric Auxiliary Power Unit for Automotive Applications", ASME 2008 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures & Intelligent Systems, 28-30 October 2008, Ellicott City, MD
- Kim, B., and Washington, G. N., “Active Vibration Control of a Cantilevered Beam Using Model Predictive Sliding Mode Control”, 49th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2008, AIAA 2008-2038.
- Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Gregory Washington, and Stephen Bechtel, "Design, Modeling, and Control of Magnetorheological Fluid-Based Force Feedback Systems", NSF Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovations, 7-10 January 2008, Knoxville, TN
- Kagarise C., Ahmadkhanlou F., Mahboob M., Bechtel S. and Washington G.N., “Experiments and Models of the Magneto Rheological Behavior of High Weight Percent Suspensions of Carbonyl Iron Particles in Silicone Oil”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 11-15 November 2007 Seattle, Washington.
- Headings L.M., Washington G.N, “Building Integrated Heat Pumps as Active Insulators and Heat Pumps”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 11-15 November 2007 Seattle, Washington
- Detrick M., Washington G.N., “Modeling and Design of a Morphing Wing for Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles via Active Twist”, 48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2007, AIAA 2007-1788
- Headings L., Jaworski C., Heremans J., Guezennec Y., Rizzoni G., Washington, Marano V. “Opportunities for Thermoelectric Energy Conversion in Hybrid Vehicles ”, Proc. of IMECE 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECHE2006-15085.
- Headings L.M., Washington G.N., "Stiffness Controlled Piezoelectric Stick-Slip Actuator for Rapid Positioning Applications", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2005, Paper#80916
- Faidley L., Dapino M.J., Washington G.N., "Strain Model for Ni-Mn-Ga with Collinear Field and Stress", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2005, Paper#79092
- Westervelt, E.R., Schmiedler J.P., Washington G.N., “Variable Transmission Compliance with an MR Damper”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition , 2004, Paper #62046
- Bechtel S., Washington G.N., Ahkmadkhanlou F., Wang Y., “Microstructural Analysis and Control of a Magnetorheological Fluid”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition , 2004, Paper #61693
- Yoon H.S., Washington G.N., “Active Vibration Confinement of Flexible Structures using Modal Observers”, International Conference on Adaptive Structure Technologies , 2004, Paper #43185
- Danak A. D., Yoon H.S., Washington G.N., “Optimization of Electrical Output in Response to Mechanical Input Piezoelectric Laminated Shells”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition , 2003, Paper #43185
- Roy A.M., Neelakantan V.A., Washington G.N., “Design and Development of Passive and Active Force Feedback Systems using Magnetorheological Fluids”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition , 2003, Paper #43210
- Faidley L.E., Dapino M.D., Washington G.N. “Dynamic Response in the Low-Khz Range and Delta-E Effect in Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Ni-MN-GA”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition , 2003, Paper #43198
- Rajagopalan R., Washington G., “Intelligent Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles using GPS Information”, Society of Automotive Engineers – Future Car Congress , 2002 Paper# 02FCC-35
- Neelakantan, V.A. and Washington, G.N., “Effect of Centrifugal Force on Magneto-Rheological Fluid Clutches”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2002, Paper # ASMS #49
- Sivasubramaniam M. and Washington , G.N., “Independent Modal Sliding Mode Shape and Vibration Control Using a Stereophotogrammetric Measurement System”, ASME Int. Congress and Exposition, 2002, Paper # ASMS #48
- Kwak, S.K. and Washington , G.N., “Energy Analysis for a Twisting and Bending Coupled Piezoelectric Actuator for Miniature Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”, ASME Int. Cong. and Exposition , 2001 ,Paper # AD-23739
- Borgen, M.G., and Washington, G.N., “Modeling and Testing of an Autonomous Swimming Vehicle Powered Via Smart Materials', ASME Int. Cong. and Exposition , 2001 ,Paper # AD-23751
- Angelino, M. and G. Washington, “Design of a Piezoelectric Actuated Active Aperture Antenna,” Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Symposium, ASME Int. Cong. and Exposition , 2000 .
- Borgen, M., G. N. Washington, and G. Kinzel, “Design of Swimming Vehicles Using Smart Material Actuation,” 7th Mechatronics Forum Int. Conference , 2000.
- Borgen, M., G. N. Washington, and G. Kinzel, “Introducing the Carangithopter: A Small Piezoelectrically Actuated Swimming Vehicle,” Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Symposium, ASME International Congress and Exposition , 2000.
- Kwak, S. K. and G. N. Washington, “A New Twisting and Bending Coupled Piezoelectric Actuator Using Shaped Electrodes,” Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Symposium, ASME Int. Cong. and Exposition , 2000.
- Kwak, S. K., G. N. Washington, and R. Yedavalli, “Implementation of Full State Derivative Feedback Control Based on the Reciprocal State Space Framework Using Smart Materials,” Proc. SPIE 7th Int. Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , 2000.
- Romanofsky, R., J. Bernhard, G. N. Washington, F. VanKeuls, F. Miranda, and C. Cannedy, “AK Band Phased Array Antenna Based on Ba 0.60 Sr 0.40 Ti O3 Thin Film Phase Shifters,” IEEE Conference on Microwave Theory and Techniques , 2000.
- Brahma A., B. Glenn, Y. Guezennec, T. Miller, G. Rizzoni, and G. N. Washington, “Modeling, Performance Analysis and Control Design of a Hybrid Sport-Utility Vehicle,” IEEE Int. Conference on Control Applications , 1999.
- Glenn, B., G. N. Washington, and G. Rizzoni, “Intelligent Control of Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles,” ASME Int. Cong. and Exposition , 1999.
- Kwak, S. K., G. Washington, and R. Yedavalli, “Active and Passive Vibration Control of Landing Gear Components,” ASME Int. Cong. and Exposition , 1999.
- Mayhan, P., K. Srinivasan, and G. N. Washington, “Dynamic Modeling of a Piezoelectric Actuation System for Machine Tool Position Control,” ASME Int. Cong. and Exposition , 1999.
- Theunissen, W. H., H. S. Yoon, G. N. Washington, and W. D. Burnside, “Mechanical Finite Element Diffraction Synthesis of Reconfigurable Contour Beams from Dual Offset Reflector Antennas,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Int. Symposium , 1999.
- Washington , G. and J. Redmond, “Adaptive Structures and Material Systems,” ASME Int. Cong. and Exposition , 1999.
- Washington , G. N. and H. S. Yoon, “Zero G Validation of Smart Aperture Antennas,” ASME Int. Cong. and Exposition , 1999.
- Kiely, E., G. N. Washington, J. K. Song, “Analysis and Control of Mesoscale Actuator Systems,” Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Symposium, ASME Int. Cong. and Exposition , 1998.
- Yoon, H. S. and G. N. Washington, “Analysis of Doubly Curved Antenna Structures,” Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Symposium, ASME Int. Cong. and Exposition , 1998.
- G. Rizzoni, A. Keyhani, G. Washington, B. Chandrasekaran, G. Baumgartner, “Education in Mechatronic Systems at the Ohio State University”, DSC-Vol.64 Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, 1998 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exhibition, Abaheim, CA, November15-20
- Washington, G. N., “Active Aperture Antennas,” Adaptive Structures Forum, ASME Int. Cong. and Exposition , 1996.
- Washington , G. N. and L. M. Silverberg, “Uniform Damping and Stiffness Control of Distributed Parameter Systems,” Active Control of Vibration and Noise Conference, ASME Int. Cong. and Exposition , 1996.
- Washington , G. N. and E. C. Klang, “Modeling and Analysis of Doubly Curved Aerobrake Truss Structures,” Proc. 3rd Int. Conference on Engineering Construction and Operations in Space, 1992.
- Klang, E. C. and G. N. Washington, “Aerobrake Construction Concepts for the Mars Mission ,” Proc. 2nd Int. Conference on Engineering Construction and Operations in Space, 1990.
Non-Refereed Conferences and Workshops
- P. Ramesh, S. Krishnamoorthy, P.S. Park, S. Rajan, and G.N. Washington, “Distributed intelligence using gallium nitride based active devices,” Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2010, M.N. Ghasemi-Nejhad, Ed., San Diego, CA, USA: SPIE, 2010, pp. 76431W-11
- J. Park and G. Washington, “Smart material database compilation and material selection tool development,” Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies 2010, M.B. McMickell and K.M. Farinholt, Eds., San Diego, CA, USA: SPIE, 2010, pp. 76450I-12.
- B. Kim, G.N. Washington, and R. Singh, “Design and analysis of supporting structure with smart struts for active vibration isolation,” Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies 2010, M.B. McMickell and K.M. Farinholt, Eds., San Diego, CA, USA: SPIE, 2010, pp. 76450R-11.
- Headings L. M., Midlam-Mohler S., Washington G. N., and Heremans J. P., "Thermoelectric Power Generation for Hybrid-electric Vehicle Auxiliary Power", 16th SPIE Smart Structures/NDE International Symposium, 9-12 March 2009, San Diego, CA
- Ramesh P., and Washington G. N., "Analysis and Design of Ferroelectric-based Smart Antenna Structures", 16th SPIE Smart Structures/NDE International Symposium, 9-12 March 2009, San Diego, CA
- Kim B., and Washington G. N., "Development of Model-based Multispectral Controllers for Smart Material Systems", 16th SPIE Smart Structures/NDE International Symposium, 9-12 March 2009, San Diego, CA
- Mahboob M., Ahmadkhanlou F., Kagarise C., Washington G. N., Bechtel S. E., and Koelling K., "Predicting Magnetorheological Fluid Flow Behavior using a Multiscale Kinetic Theory-based Model", 16th SPIE Smart Structures/NDE International Symposium, 9-12 March 2009, San Diego, CA
- Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Gregory Washington, and Stephen Bechtel, "The Development of a Five DOF Magnetorheological Fluid-Based Telerobotic Haptic System", 15th SPIE International Symposium, 9-13 March 2008, San Diego, CA
- Ahmadkhanlou, F., Zite J.L., Washington G.N. “A Magnetorheological Fluid-Based Controllable Active Knee Brace, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2007, Vol. 6527, 65270-O
- Faidley L.E., Dapino M.J., Washington G.N.,” A Homogenized Strain Model for Ni-Mn-Ga Driven with Collinear Field and Stress” Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2006, Vol. 6170, Paper 617019-1
- Ahmadkhanlou F, Washington G.N., Bechtel S.E, Wang Y. “Magnetorheological Fluid Based Automotive steer-by-wire Systems”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2006, Vol. 6171, Paper 61710I-1
- Punhani, A. Washington G.N., “Shape and Vibration Control of Active Laminated Plates for RF and Optical Applications”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2006, Vol. 6166, Paper 61661B-1
- Zite J.L., Ahmadkhanlou F., Neelakantan V.A., Washington G.N. “A Magnetorheological Fluid Based Orthopedic Active Knee Brace” Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2006, Vol. 6171, Paper 61710H-1
- Eyabi, P. and Washington, G.N. “Modeling and Sensorless Estimation for Single Spring Solenoids”, SAE paper # 2006-01-1678
- Eyabi, P. and Washington , G.N. “Non-linear Modeling of an Electromagnetic Valve Actuator”, SAE paper # 2006-01-0043
- Yoon, H.S. and Washington, G.N. “Vibration Confinement of Flexible Structures using Piezoceramic Actuators”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2005, Vol. 5757, No. 44, pp. 441-450.
- Massad, J.E., Washington G.N., and Sumali H., “Orthotropic Deflection Model for Corner Supported Plates with Segmented In-Plane Actuators”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2005, Vol. 5757, No. 50, pp. 503-514.
- Ahmadkhanlou, F., Washington, G.N., Wang, Y., and Bechtel S.E., “The Development of Variably Compliant Haptic Systems using Magnetorheological Fluids”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2005, Vol. 5757, No. 49, pp. 491-502.
- Neelakantan, V.A., Washington, G.N., Bucknor, N.K., “Two-Stage Actuation System using DC Motors and Piezoelectric Actuators for Controllable Industrial and Automotive Brakes and Clutches”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2005, Vol. 5762, No. 39, pp. 275–286.
- Faidley L.E., Dapino, M.J., Washington, G.N., Lograsso, “Reversible Strain in Ni-Mn-Ga with Collinear Field and Stress”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2005, Vol. 5761, No. 70, pp. 501– 512 .
- Faidley L.E., Dapino, M.J., Washington , G.N., Lograsso, “Dynamic behavior and Stiffness Tuning in Solenoid based Ni-MN-Ga Transducers”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2004,
- Washington , G.N. and Park, J.K .,” Prediction of Hysteretic Effects in PZT Stack Actuators using a Hybrid Modeling Strategy”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2004, Vol. 5383.
- Joo, J., Sanders B., Washington , G.N. and Adams , J. “Energy based Efficiency of Mechanized Solid-State Actuators”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2003, Vol. 5056.
- Bray, B.C. and Washington , G.N., “Positional Impact Sensing with Spatially Shaded Polyvinylidene Fluoride Film”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2003, Vol. 5050, pp. 249-258.
- Faidley L.E., Dapino, M.J., Washington, G.N., Lograsso, T.A., Smith, R.E. “Analytical and Experimental Issues in NiMnGa Transducers”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2003, Vol. 5049, p. 1-12
- Isler, B., and Washington , G.N., “Spatial Aperture Shading Applied to Distributed Systems for Uniform Damping Control”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2001, Vol. 4326, No. 61, pp. 548-558.
- Kwak, S.K. and Washington , G.N., “A Broadband Vibration Control Using Passive Circuits in the Matrix Second Order Framework”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2001
- Washington, G.N., Yoon H.S. and Theunissen W.H., “Simulation and Optimization of A Smart Reconfigurable Aperture Antenna”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , (Smart Electronics and MEMS Symposium), Vol. 4700, No. 31, 2002
- Neelakantan, V.A., Washington G.N., and Wolfe R. “Force Feedback System using Magneto Rheological Fluids for Telerobotic Surgery”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , (Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Materials), Vol. 4698, No. 57, 2002
- Taylor, C. and Washington G.N., “Comprehensive Piezoceramic Actuator Review”, Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , (Smart Structures and Integrated Systems), Vol. 4701, No. 47, 2002
- Angelino, M., Washington , G.N., “ Point Actuated Aperture Antenna Development” Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , (Smart Electronics and MEMS Symposium), 2001
- Andoh, F., Washington , G.N., V. Utkin "Shape Control of Distributed Parameter Reflectors Using Sliding Mode Control” Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2001
- Kwak, S. K., G. N. Washington, and R. Yedavalli, “Implementation of Full State Derivative Feedback Control Based on the Reciprocal State Space Framework Using Smart Materials,” Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2000.
- Song, J. K. and G. N. Washington, “Plate Vibration Modes Identification by Using Piezoelectric Sensors,” Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2000.
- Yoon, H. S., G. N. Washington, and W. Theunissen , “Reconfigurable Contour Beam Generation Using a Smart Subreflector Antenna System,” Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 2000.
- Song, J.K. and G. N. Washington, “Thunder Actuator Modeling and Control with Classical and Fuzzy Control Algorithm,” Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 1999.
- Baumann, B., G. Rizzoni, and G. N. Washington, “Intelligent Control of Hybrid Vehicles Using Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic,” SAE Technical Paper 981061, SAE Int. Cong. and Exposition , 1998.
- Baumann, B., G. Rizzoni, and G. N. Washington, “Intelligent Control of the Ohio State University Hybrid-Electric Vehicle: Preprints of the Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop,” Advances in Automotive Control , Mohican State Park , Loudonville , OH , 1998.
- Kiely, E. and G. N. Washington, “Design, Actuation, and Control of Active Patch Antennas,” Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 1998.
- Mayhan, P. and G. N. Washington, “Robust Intelligent Control of Structures Using Piezoceramic Materials,” Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 1998.
- Song, J.K. and G. N. Washington, “Intelligent Beam Vibration Control Utilizing Smart Materials,” Proc. Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conference , 1998.
- Washington, G. N., “Smart Electromagnetic Structures (SEMS): A New Paradigm for Microwave Technology,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium , France , 1998.
- Yoon, H. S. and G. N. Washington, “Piezoceramic Actuated Aperture Antennas,” Proc. SPIE Int. Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , 1998.
- Washington , G. N., “Modeling and Design of an Active Polyvinylidene Fluoride Aperture Antenna,” Workshop on Smart Electromagnetic Antenna Structures , NATO Headquarters, Brussels , 1996.
- Washington, G. N., “Smart Aperture Antennas,” Proc. SPIE Conference on Smart Structures and Intelligent Systems , 1996.