Smart Structural Systems


Imagine a world where aircraft monitor their structural health, twist their wings into optimal aerodynamic shapes, and actively control their own vibration, or a world where automobiles brace themselves for impact or actively adjust the ride and comfort for the passengers. Imagine a world where antennas alter their shapes and actively tune themselves. On a limited basis, often experimental, that is today's world. The technology that will enable many of the previously mentioned advances lies in the field of "Smart Structures". Smart Structures incorporates materials that have the ability to alter their performance in response to their surroundings. This ability is usually implemented by a control system embedded in or near the material.

The ISSL has a rich tradition in the modeling and control of smart structural systems. Typical projects (not mentioned previously) include: The Reduction of Machine Tool Chatter using Smart Materials; The modeling and control of smart mesoscale actuator systems; Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network Control of Active Materials;Thin Film Diamond Polishing using Smart Materials; The design, modeling and control of miniature swimming vehicles using smart materials.